Season 8 Episode 17

Robin Cho from Who Gives a Crap & Katherine Koch from iDE

Your Toilet is a Privilege, Do Your Duty! Building Lasting Sanitation Market Systems with Robin Cho, Who Gives a Crap’s Head of Impact, and iDE’s VP of Communications and Marketing, Katherine Koch

In this episode, Aaron is joined by Who Gives a Crap’s Head of Impact, Robin Cho, and International Development Enterprise’s (iDE) VP of Communications and Marketing, Katherine Koch. Who Gives a Crap makes eco-friendly toilet paper and paper towels, donating 50% of all profits toward efforts to see a world where everyone has access to the basic rights of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). IDE is a global non-profit organization that empowers entrepreneurs to end poverty by engaging with businesses that help build communities. Robin, KC and Aaron discuss the partnership the two organizations have made to improve WASH across the globe, why access to toilets are so critical to public health and safety, and what it means to build long term market systems that support sanitation. Listen in and learn more by visiting and

Air Date: August 23, 2022

Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Haley Sacotte, Danny Ziolkowski, Maria Bayas, Michael Grubbs, Anna Lamm and Mathew Passy